September 2024 News.....the "heat" is still with there light at the end of this tunnel!

It’s September and we are still seeing triple digit temperatures. Fortunately, the early mornings, up until around 11am, have been wonderful. There’s light at the end of this summer’s heat “tunnel” and it’s no longer a “train”!! September is an important month. We are fundamentally closing the airport from September 17th until September 30th. We are having much needed asphalt crack sealing, asphalt seal coating and airport re-striping performed which will require various taxiway and/or runway closure. The schedule is as follows: 

September 17th & 18th, entire airport closed for crack sealing

September 19th thru 24th, all taxiways closed for seal coating process/drying. (runway open for non based aircraft to do touch/goes only)

September 25th thru 27th, runway closed for seal coating/drying.  (taxiways open for airport based aircraft to reposition)

September 28th & 29th, entire airport closed for striping and wrap up of work.

Please take note of this schedule and plan your flights accordingly. Once completed, the airport will have a “fresh” new look! 

On a separate note, the next Young Eagles event will now be October 19th, beginning at 8am and ending around 1pm, depending on how many kids show up. Of course this event is “weather allowing”.