Some of our completed and ongoing projects in our airpark community

74P Ground Sign

North Windsock Finished

South Windsock Finished

Before windsock upgrade

Tie-Down Anchors going in

Calvada HOA Taxiway extension

Taxiway Extension Prep

New Pavement!

Calvada Meeting Room

Weed Maintenance Needed
Calvada Meadows Airport Association is comprised of Hangars, Homes, Hangar-Homes, plus Residential and Airport Related Commercial Lots that surround our private owned Calvada Meadows Airport (NV74) now open for public use (74P).
Association Lots numbered 1 through 352 are part of the Airpark Association. HOA Assessments and Annual Dues are currently just $350 per year! Fly in and taxi directly to your property. Taxiways are separate from all roadways.
Come and visit and see the development potential! Grow with us in our unique airpark community.